TollGuru Toll API (2023-02-21)

Download OpenAPI specification:Download

MapUp Engineering Team: URL:

You can download the TollGuru API spec using the download link above and import collections in Postman for testing. Here is how to import collections in Postman.


You can use TollGuru Toll API service to

  • Calculate tolls for your route.
  • Calculate other costs for your route (such as fuel expenses, driver expenses).
  • Calculate the cheapest, the fastest and other other optimal routes.

By integrating our API with your application or website, you can provide your users with a powerful tool for efficient and cost-effective route planning.

How to use TollGuru API

With the Toll API you can calculate tolls, fuel costs and optimal routes for:

Pre-trip planning

Post-trip toll cost reconciliation

  • Send GPS tracks, such as those received from a smartphone, car GPS or a fleet telematics device.

Get started

Sign up for a free API key using your email and password. We suggest you use Postman to test the API before you integrate Toll API into your products. TollGuru Toll API is a REST API with predictable resource-oriented URLs. It uses standard HTTP response codes and authentication to accept form-encoded request bodies and return JSON-encoded responses.



TollGuru uses developer specific API keys to authenticate requests. The authentication to the API is done through HTTP Basic Auth. Your API key serves as the basic auth username value. You do not need to provide a password. The TollGuru API key comes with privileges. Do not share API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub or on client-side code in a browser. To get a TollGuru Toll API key

  • Registering for a new TollGuru developer API key at TollGuru developer portal.
  • Sign up for a trial account using your business email. Your trial access caps at 50 requests daily. For a higher daily limit, please reach out to us at, providing details about your business and how you plan to use the API.

Adding the API key to your request

The API key should be included in all API requests to the server in the header. In the following example, replace developer_key with your API key. It should look like
x-api-key- developer_key

Security Scheme Type API Key
Header parameter name: x-api-key

Our Client Libraries

You can use client libraries in Java, Python, Go, Node.js, PHP, Ruby, .NET to quickly integrate Toll API.

Tolls between Origin, destination, waypoints

Use this API endpoint to calculate tolls and fuel expenses between origin, destination, and waypoints (if any). With this API endpoint, you can

  • Calculate tolls for various vehicle types including cars, pickups, SUV towing trailers, taxis, trucks (up to 9-axles), RV, motorcycles, etc.
  • See tolls for all routes
  • See fuel expenses for all routes
  • See the cheapest, the fastest and other optimal routes
  • Modify vehicle types to include
Specifically, for trucks, you can
  • Return tolls by specifying zip codes (zip code followed by country name)
  • Return tolls for truck compliant routes (based on axle count, height, weight, truck length
  • Return Hours-of-service (HOS) compliant routes with information for suggested stop locations
  • Return distance traveled in each state (mileage per state)
To summarise, the endpoint adds toll and fuel cost information to routes provided by Google Map and HERE Map. It extends the mapping functionality of Google Maps and HERE maps by adding tolls and fuel estimates to the route direction information. The endpoint accepts various parameters such as your vehicle type, fuel efficiency, and fuel price. You can specify whether you want information for routes from Google or HERE maps.

Questions for constructing request body

Tolls between origin, destination, and waypoints (if any)

If you are looking for toll information for routes that consider bridge height restrictions, axle count, weight restrictions, HAZMAT restrictions, we suggest that you use HERE maps (we use HERE maps by default). Specifically, with the HERE maps API service, you can

  • Specify origins, destinations, and waypoints as text strings (e.g. “Dallas, TX”, “Sydney, NSW, Australia”, “Paris, France” or “Jaipur, Rajasthan, India”), as place IDs, or as latitude/longitude coordinates
  • Specify origin, destination, and waypoints as zip codes (followed by country code or name)
  • Specify vehicle type. The route and tolls are returned for the specific vehicle. For example, you can get tolls for vehicles based on axle count (cars, SUV, pick-up, truck, motorcycle, bus, motorhome / RV, limousine.
  • The response will include toll information, fuel cost information, duration

Request Body schema: application/json
Address (object) or Place-Id (object) or Geo-Coordinates (object)
Address (object) or Place-Id (object) or Geo-Coordinates (object)
Array of Address (object) or Place-Id (object) or Geo-Coordinates (object) (Location)

Specify a range of intermediary locations, along your route between your origin and destination points

Default: "here"
Enum: "here" "gmaps"
object (schemas)


Request samples

Content type
  • "from": {
  • "to": {
  • "waypoints": [
  • "serviceProvider": "here",
  • "vehicle": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "status": "OK",
  • "summary": {
  • "routes": [

Tolls for truck

For truck routes you can specify restrictions - bridge height restrictions, axle count, weight restrictions, HAZMAT restrictions - to receive truck compliant routes. But you don’t need to send all the parameters. You can

  • Specify origins, destinations, and waypoints as text strings (e.g. “Dallas, TX”), as place IDs, or as latitude/longitude coordinates
  • Specify origin, destination, and waypoints as zip codes (followed by country code or name)
  • Specify truck type by changing the number of axles and other parameters such as weight, height, etc.
  • The response will include toll information, fuel cost information, duration
For trucks, you will receive
  • Tolls between zip codes (zip code followed by country name)
  • Truck compliant routes (based on axle count, height, weight, truck length.
  • ETA that accounts for Hours-of-service (HOS) compliance
  • State mileage for IFTA reporting

Request Body schema: application/json
One of
Address (object) or Place-Id (object) or Geo-Coordinates (object)
Address (object) or Place-Id (object) or Geo-Coordinates (object)
Array of Address (object) or Place-Id (object) or Geo-Coordinates (object) (Location)

Specify a range of intermediary locations, along your route between your origin and destination points

Default: "here"
Enum: "here" "gmaps"
object (schemas)

Parameters related to vehicle


Request samples

Content type
  • "from": {
  • "to": {
  • "waypoints": [
  • "serviceProvider": "here",
  • "vehicle": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "status": "OK",
  • "summary": {
  • "routes": [

Tolls for routes with optional parameters

You can specify truck restrictions - bridge height, weight restrictions, HAZMAT restrictions - to receive truck compliant routes.

  • Specify origins, destinations, and waypoints as text strings (e.g. “Dallas, TX”), as place IDs, or as latitude / longitude coordinates
  • Specify origin, destination, and waypoints as zip codes (followed by country code or name)
  • Specify truck type by changing the number of axles and other parameters such as weight, height, etc.
  • Specify route restrictions such as HAZMAT material and tunnel types for trucks
  • Specify weight and height for semi and large commercial trucks.
  • Specify departure time (optional). You can use future departure time to receive tolls at the time when the vehicle is likely to hit each toll location on the variable toll facilities. If you query for departure time in the past, tolls are returned for the current time.

Request Body schema: application/json
Address (object) or Place-Id (object) or Geo-Coordinates (object)
Address (object) or Place-Id (object) or Geo-Coordinates (object)
Array of Address (object) or Place-Id (object) or Geo-Coordinates (object) (Location)

Specify a range of intermediary locations, along your route between your origin and destination points

Default: "here"
Enum: "here" "gmaps"
object (schemas)
DateTime (string) or Timestamp (number)
Default: "current time"

When currency in units is provided, it takes precedence for all calculations. When the value of fuelOptions.fuelCost.value is provided, we will extract this value and perform the necessary conversion


Request samples

Content type
  • "from": {
  • "to": {
  • "waypoints": [
  • "serviceProvider": "here",
  • "vehicle": {
  • "departure_time": 1609507347,
  • "fuelOptions": {
  • "units": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "status": "OK",
  • "summary": {
  • "routes": [

Tolls for complete route polyline from a mapping service

Use this service when you are already using a mapping service for your routing and you are able to send the complete route from the mapping service in the request. You will need to get the complete route from the mapping service (and not just origin, destination and some stops on the route) to receive accurate toll information. You can

  • Specify whether you want to send route polyline (encoded using Google encoded polyline algorithm or shape (latitude and longitude pairs)
  • Specify vehicle type. For example, you can receive tolls for vehicles based on axle counts for cars, SUV, pick-up, trucks (up to 9-axles), motorcycle, bus, motorhome, RV, limousine.
  • Specify truck parameters such as weight, height, axle counts and receive tolls based on weight, height, etc.
  • Specify the source of route polyline such as Google, Bing, MapBox, Apple Map, HERE, TomTom, Waze, ESRI, MapQuest, JawgMaps, Trimble, PTV, MapmyIndia, Yandex, Michelin, Baidu, Gaode or your custom source (“custom”)
  • Since you specify the exact route, you will receive tolls for the route. You will not receive tolls for alternate routes between origin and destination.
For more details, visit TollGuru map independent algorithm and how see we deal with edge cases and common pitfalls

Questions for constructing request body

Route Encoded Polyline

You will receive toll information for all tolls on the single route you requested. You will need to get the complete route from your mapping service (and not just origin, destination and some stops on the route) to receive accurate toll information.

Request Body schema: application/json
Default: "here"
Enum: "google" "bing" "mapbox" "apple map" "here" "tomtom" "waze" "esri" "mapquest" "jawgmaps" "trimble" "ptv" "mapmyindia" "yandex" "michelin" "baidu" "gaode"

Specify route source, either here for HERE maps routes based polyline or gmaps for Google Maps polylines


Specify route as Google Maps encoded polyline (see details)

Array of any

Specify the locTimes utilizing a two-dimensional array of floating-point numbers, where each sub-array consists of the path or polyline index and the corresponding time-stamp for that coordinate. If locTimes is not specified we use departure_time as a the timestamp and if departure_time is also not specified we will use current time for toll calculations

object (schemas)

Parameters related to vehicle


When currency in units is provided, it takes precedence for all calculations. When the value of fuelOptions.fuelCost.value is provided, we will extract this value and perform the necessary conversion

DateTime (string) or Timestamp (number)

If departure_time and locTimes both are not specified then we will use the current time for toll calculations


Request samples

Content type
  • "mapProvider": "here",
  • "polyline": "_f`GwjixRSe@MIIEICGAIA_Al@MHIDe@VKFm@f@SLKLCFEHCF?HAF?NTH\\\\N`Ab@x@b@`@TZTPLTPZXDFBFXVZTrB~ARDLF~@ZJDTDPBVFJ@X@P@j@?N?d@ERC`@KhB{Al@i@f@Y~BaCPQJKbA_At@s@RSDEBEBCVU~A{ATW~@{@`@_@v@q@p@o@pA_AVSXSJIv@g@~@m@HEROTO@?rA{@VQ^UZSPMHGDEj@g@h@k@f@m@^g@vAqBTYp@_Ab@m@Va@R[Xg@b@u@^{@R]Pc@Vm@Pe@\\\\cA`@mAn@iB^aAp@aBn@cBt@yAFMP_@pC_GdBsDdAwBRc@fAyB`@y@Ve@pAaCxAqCf@_An@mAjBcE`BoD^w@Vo@P[Xe@JQ`@m@PULQh@o@\\\\_@l@m@r@m@pAeA`CoBxAoA\\\\YbAy@?An@i@~AqA`@a@VY^_@V[PSX_@T]T[f@y@JMHMtAcCd@}@f@_AlBoDb@y@r@sAd@{@R]\\\\o@h@y@Zc@n@_ABENQZc@TY@C\\\\_@RWFKPUPYT]BCDGl@_Af@w@^u@P_@j@sAh@mAVk@^s@^s@n@kA?Ad@u@fAeBl@eAZg@|@yA`BoCd@_AZo@Z}@J]Ng@BQJe@F_@DS@MDk@J{AFiAHmDHgDFwADiBH_D@[?E@]@c@BgALuEBcABkA@]B{AD_BBa@DaCJkCHiALyAPoAN_ALo@R}@Le@ZkAb@oATo@\\\\{@FK`@}@`@w@lA{BxAoC~AwCHOZm@l@eAHO^s@n@kAp@qANYL[L]J[Rs@FWNu@Jq@Fc@JiABw@@aBBaDDaA?m@D]\\\\cCJi@Lg@Pi@Xy@BGDMRg@DIFMHQFMJOr@qAZc@v@mAtAcBz@eANS`BuBtDoEd@m@dBoBj@o@V[LQFGhC{Cp@{@Za@LUJSHOJ[Ne@H]Fc@?AD_@Dg@@e@?I?M?M?aA?{@A}BCwA?oA?YEuB?k@Ag@C{@?A?ECs@AyA?m@ASC{CEmCA}@AYAW?KA}@CcBA{AAcA?WAUGiI?S?QAU?WAc@AgA?_@@a@@y@@e@@UBU@UVaD@MFaABc@@Y@G?i@Ak@Gk@EUI_@IY?AIUKUISQc@s@}AMWk@uAK[GOIa@I_@EYCQGm@Co@A]?M?O@]@UD[Fa@D]FWLk@Pg@N]P_@N[dBaDpBkD@AdCsEbAkBd@_APa@HUHUVaAES?EAE?E?EJ_ADk@@W@UEaAAOIm@M_ABCKa@CMESA?EMK[KWCIACAAKWs@sAq@gAEIEGS[S]GMGKWa@g@mAe@eA]OSIEAG?WAG@OBIBGDGF[b@IJKFk@`Au@pA}@~AMXcC~E_BnCY`@MT",
  • "locTimes": [
  • "vehicle": {
  • "fuelOptions": {
  • "units": {
  • "departure_time": 1609507347

Response samples

Content type
  • "summary": {
  • "route": {

Route polyline - Latitude, Longitude

You will receive toll information for all tolls on the single route you requested. You will need to get the complete route from your mapping service (and not just origin, destination and some stops on the route) to receive accurate toll information.

Request Body schema: application/json
Default: "here"
Enum: "google" "bing" "mapbox" "apple map" "here" "tomtom" "waze" "esri" "mapquest" "jawgmaps" "trimble" "ptv" "mapmyindia" "yandex" "michelin" "baidu" "gaode"

Specify route source, either here for HERE maps routes based polyline or gmaps for Google Maps polylines


Specify route as a set of comma-separated lat,lng coordinates delimited by a pipe character (|)

Array of any

Specify the locTimes utilizing a two-dimensional array of floating-point numbers, where each sub-array consists of the path or polyline index and the corresponding time-stamp for that coordinate. If locTimes is not specified we use departure_time as a the timestamp and if departure_time is also not specified we will use current time for toll calculations

object (schemas)

Parameters related to vehicle

DateTime (string) or Timestamp (number)

If departure_time and locTimes both are not specified then we will use the current time for toll calculations


When currency in units is provided, it takes precedence for all calculations. When the value of fuelOptions.fuelCost.value is provided, we will extract this value and perform the necessary conversion


Request samples

Content type
  • "mapProvider": "here",
  • "path": "43.64183,-79.38246|...|18.63085,-100.12845",
  • "locTimes": [
  • "vehicle": {
  • "departure_time": "2021-01-15T13:46:17",
  • "fuelOptions": {
  • "units": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "summary": {
  • "route": {

TollTally - GPS Tracks to Toll API

Use TollTally - GPS Tracks to Toll API - to calculate tolls after you make the trip. You can upload your GPS tracks (in CSV format) to receive tolls for the likely route matched using the GPS tracks. You can

  • Specify vehicle type. For example, you can receive tolls for vehicles based on axle counts for cars, SUV, pick-up, trucks (up to 9-axles), motorcycle, bus, motorhome, RV, limousine.
  • Specify truck parameters such as weight, height, axle counts to receive tolls based on weight, height, etc.
  • Specify the timestamp of each GPS trace. If you do not specify the timestamp, tolls are likely to be inaccurate on time-based-toll facilities.
  • Specify whether you want to receive toll information immediately (isAsync=false) or can wait (isAsync=true). Use the asynchronous mode when uploading multiple or large GPS track files. Response in asynchronous mode comes with a requestId and a requestedTimestamp. These results would be available for download for up to 30 days.
The route matched may slightly differ based on vehicle type specified. For example, let us consider roads that have tolled express lanes and toll-free general purpose lanes on the same corridor. If trucks are not allowed on the express lane, route matched when you specify truck as the vehicle type will exclude express lanes and, therefore, is likely to be different compared to the route matched for a 2-axle car. TollGuru matches GPS tracks to a route using Map Matching and calculates tolls for the matched route. Refer to this article to understand why we need to match GPS tracks to a route

Questions for constructing request body

Upload GPS Tracks

By default, the API returns tolls immediately. In other words in synchronous mode. When you have a large GPS track, you need to specify to receive tolls in the asynchronous mode by specifying the url parameter as isAsync=true. Response in this case will include a requestId and a requestedTimestamp. You can use the requestId to download tolls for up to 30 days. Use the asynchronous mode when uploading multiple or large GPS tracks files.

  • Upload CSV file - You can use the CSV format file as shown in the table below. Alternatively you can download the sample file from here.

The first line in the CSV needs to contain the attribute names. The subsequent lines need to contain the data in temporal order. The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
latitude Latitude coordinate in WGS84 degree (mandatory)
longitude Longitude coordinate in WGS84 degree (mandatory)
timestamp indicates the time and date, for example 2018-05-21T17:05:06Z (mandatory since tolls may change based on time)

You can use the CSV format file as shown in the table below:

latitude longitude timestamp
38.90479 -77.02607 2019-12-16T15:45:23Z
38.90479 -77.02606 2019-12-16T15:47:24Z
38.9048 -77.02608 2019-12-16T15:49:25Z
38.9044 -77.02604 2019-12-16T15:50:42Z
38.90424 -77.02646 2019-12-16T15:50:49Z
38.90422 -77.02686 2019-12-16T15:50:55Z
query Parameters

Please take note that the object must be in URI encoded format prior to sending a request. It is possible to encode it here


Specify name for your vehicle to identify the response json for particular vehicle

Default: false

The API will function in asynchronous mode is set to true


Please take note that the object must be in URI encoded format prior to sending a request. It is possible to encode it here


Please take note that the object must be in URI encoded format prior to sending a request. It is possible to encode it here

Request Body schema: text/csv
string <binary>


Request samples

CURL *hnd = curl_easy_init();

curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_URL, "");

struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;
headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "content-type: text/csv");
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);

CURLcode ret = curl_easy_perform(hnd);

Response samples

Content type
  • "status": "OK",
  • "summary": {
  • "route": {

Download Async Results

The results will be available for download for upto 30 days by calling the API.

Request Body schema: application/json


Request samples

Content type
  • "requestId": "72ca5cba-b732-47ea-aec6-c7716bb37458",
  • "requestedTimestamp": "2020-06-15T04:27:08.838Z"

Response samples

Content type
  • "status": "OK",
  • "summary": {
  • "route": {

Transaction Count API

Retrieves total number of transactions processed.

  • Authentication and authorization are required to use the API, which is done by providing an API key.
  • Developers can make requests to the API and specify the start and end dates to retrieve the transaction count for a desired time period.
  • The API response is typically in JSON format.
  • The response includes the total number of transactions processed for each day in the specified time period.
query Parameters
Example: startTime=1681627076

Timestamp (epoch) in seconds

Example: endTime=1682491124

Timestamp (epoch) in seconds


Request samples

CURL *hnd = curl_easy_init();

curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET");
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_URL, "");

struct curl_slist *headers = NULL;
headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "x-api-key: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE");
curl_easy_setopt(hnd, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);

CURLcode ret = curl_easy_perform(hnd);

Response samples

Content type
  • "userId": "",
  • "plan": "Basic",
  • "planStatus": "Active",
  • "transactions": [

Errors and Troubleshooting

The TollGuru Toll API uses conventional HTTP status codes to indicate any errors that occur while processing requests. In general- Codes in the 2xx range indicate success. Codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g., origin and destination is same, etc.). Codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with TollGuru server. The responses provided below can help in debugging the error.

Error Messages

Status Code Value
400 INPUT_ERROR Invalid request. The From and To locations cannot be empty
400 INPUT_ERROR Invalid request. The From and To locations must be different
400 INPUT_ERROR No path or polyline provide
400 INPUT_ERROR Invalid locTimes. Length should be greater than 2.
400 INPUT_ERROR Unsupported vehicle type. Please provide a valid vehicle type.
400 INPUT_ERROR Weight cannot be less than zero
400 INPUT_ERROR Height cannot be less than zero
400 INPUT_ERROR Fuel cost cannot be less than 0
400 INPUT_ERROR City fuel efficiency cannot be less than 0
400 INPUT_ERROR Highway fuel efficiency cannot be less than 0
500 ROUTING_ERROR No route exist
500 TOLLING_ERROR API call failed with status: 500 Internal Server Error

Error response format

 {"status": 500, "code": "TOLLING_ERROR", "value": "API call failed with status: 500 Internal Server Error"} 
  1. Input Error - (INPUT_ERROR)

    Errors caused as a result of bad csv file or malformed inputs


     { "status": "ERROR", "code": "INPUT_ERROR" "value": "Invalid request. The From and To locations cannot be empty"} 
  2. Routing Error - (ROUTING_ERROR)

    Errors arising out of routing issues like traces not making a valid route as detected by our algorithm.


     {"status": 500, "code": "ROUTING_ERROR", "value": "No route exist"} 
  3. Tolling Error - (TOLLING_ERROR)

    Errors caused while finding the toll prices of a given route.


     {"status": 500, "code": "TOLLING_ERROR", "value": "API call failed with status: 500 Internal Server Error"} 

  • The status is the status code returned by the server
  • The code is the error type which can be INPUT_ERROR, TOLLING_ERROR, ROUTING_ERROR, SERVICE_ERROR
  • The value is the error message return

Vehicle types supported by TollGuru

Any of the following can be given as value to vehicleType argument. By default it's 2AxlesAuto.

North America
  • Car, SUV, Pickup truck
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesAuto Car, SUV or Pickup truck
    3AxlesAuto Car, SUV or Pickup truck towing 1-axle trailer
    4AxlesAuto Car, SUV or Pickup truck towing 2-axle trailer
    2AxlesDualTire SUV or Pickup, 4 tires on rear
    3AxlesDualTire SUV or Pickup, 4 tires on rear, 1-axle trailer
    4AxlesDualTire SUV or Pickup, 4 tires on rear, 2-axle trailer
  • EV
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesEV EV
    3AxlesEV EV towing 1-axle trailer
    4AxlesEV EV towing 2-axle trailer
  • Truck
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesTruck Truck - 2 Axles
    3AxlesTruck Truck - 3 Axles
    4AxlesTruck Truck - 4 Axles
    5AxlesTruck Truck - 5 Axles
    6AxlesTruck Truck - 6 Axles
    7AxlesTruck Truck - 7 Axles
    8AxlesTruck Truck - 8 Axles
    9AxlesTruck Truck - 9 Axles
  • Bus
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesBus Bus - 2 Axles
    3AxlesBus Bus - 3 Axles
  • Motorcycle
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesMotorcycle Motorcycle
    3AxlesMotorcycle Motorcycle towing trailer
  • Recreational Vehicle
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesRv RV
    3AxlesRv RV towing 1-axle trailer
    4AxlesRv RV towing 2-axle trailer
  • Rideshare, Taxi, Carpool
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesTNC Rideshare - Car, SUV or Pickup truck
    2AxlesTNCPool Rideshare Pool - Car, SUV or Pickup truck
    2AxlesTaxi Taxi - Car, SUV or Pickup truck
    2AxlesTaxiPool Taxi Pool - Car, SUV or Pickup truck
    Carpool2 Carpool (2 occupants)
    Carpool3 Carpool (3+ occupants)
Country covered:
Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico, United States of America
  • Car and SUV
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesAuto Car, SUV
    3AxlesAuto Car, SUV towing 1-axle trailer
    4AxlesAuto Car, SUV towing 2-axle trailer
  • Light goods vehicles
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesLGV Light goods vehicles 2-Axles
  • Truck
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesTruck Heavy goods vehicles 2-Axles
    3AxlesTruck Truck - 3 Axles
    4AxlesTruck Truck - 4 Axles
    5AxlesTruck Truck - 5 Axles
    6AxlesTruck Truck - 6 Axles
    7AxlesTruck Truck - 7 Axles
  • Bus
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesBus Bus - 2 Axles
    3AxlesBus Bus - 3 Axles
    4AxlesBus Bus - 4 Axles
  • Motorhome
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesRv Motorhome
    3AxlesRv Motorhome towing 1-axle trailer
    4AxlesRv Motorhome towing 2-axle trailer
  • Motorcycle
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesMotorcycle Motorcycle, Motorcycle with sidecar
Country covered:
Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom
  • Car, SUV
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesAuto Car, SUV
    AutoTrailerCatA Car towing trailer (length<12.5 meter & height <2 meter)
    AutoTrailerCatB Car towing trailer (length>12.5 meter & height >2 meter)
  • Taxi
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesTaxi Taxi
  • Light Commercial Vehicle
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesLCV Light Commercial Vehicles
  • Truck
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesTruck Truck 2-Axles, Rigid
    3AxlesTruck Truck 3-Axles, Rigid, Articulated
    4AxlesTruck Truck 4-Axles, Rigid, Articulated
    5AxlesTruck Truck 5-Axles, Articulated
    6AxlesTruck Truck 6-Axles, Articulated, B-Double
    7AxlesTruck Truck 7-Axles, Articulated, B-Double
  • Bus
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesBus Bus
  • Recreational Vehicle
    Icon vehicleType Description
    RVCatA RV (length < 12.5 meter & height < 2 meter)
    RVCatB RV (length > 12.5 meter or height > 2 meter)
  • Motorcycle
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesMotorcycle Motorcycle; with or without trailer
Country covered:
Australia, New Zealand
  • Car, Jeep, Van, SUV
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesAuto Car, Jeep, Van, SUV
    3AxlesAuto Car, SUV towing 1-axle trailer
    4AxlesAuto Car, SUV towing 2-axle trailer
  • Taxi
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesTaxi Taxi
  • Pickup Truck, Light Commercial Vehicle
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesLCV Pickup truck, Light Commercial Vehicles
  • Truck
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesTruck Truck - 2-Axles
    For India: Truck with 2-Axle whose gross weight >12,000kgs & <=16,200kgs< /td>
    3AxlesTruck Truck - 3 Axles
    For India: Truck with 3-Axle whose gross weight >16,200kgs & <=25,000kgs< /td>
    4AxlesTruck Truck - 4 Axles
    For India: Truck with 4-Axle whose gross weight >25,000kgs & <=36,600kgs< /td>
    5AxlesTruck Truck - 5 Axles
    For India: Truck with 5-Axle whose gross weight >36,600kgs & <=45,400kgs< /td>
    6AxlesTruck Truck - 6 Axles
    for India: Truck with 6-Axle whose gross weight >45,400kgs & <=54,200kgs< /td>
    7AxlesTruck Truck - 7 Axles
    For India: Truck with 7-Axle whose gross weight >54,200kgs
  • Bus
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesBus Bus - 2-Axles
    3AxlesBus Bus - 3 Axles
    4AxlesBus Bus - 4 Axles
  • Recreational Vehicle
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesRv Motorhome (not applicable to India)
    3AxlesRv Motorhome towing 1-axle trailer (not applicable to India)
    4AxlesRv Motorhome towing 2-axle trailer (not applicable to India)
  • Heavy Construction Machinery and Earth Moving Equipment
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesHCMEME HCM, EME (applicable to India only)
  • Bike
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesMotorcycle Bike
Country covered:
Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philipines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
Latin America
  • Car, SUV, Pickup truck
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesAuto Car, SUV or Pickup truck
    3AxlesAuto Car, SUV or Pickup truck towing 1-axle trailer
    4AxlesAuto Car, SUV or Pickup truck towing 2-axle trailer
  • Truck
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesTruck Truck - 2 Axles
    3AxlesTruck Truck - 3 Axles
    4AxlesTruck Truck - 4 Axles
    5AxlesTruck Truck - 5 Axles
    6AxlesTruck Truck - 6 Axles
    7AxlesTruck Truck - 7 Axles
  • Bus
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesBus Bus - 2 Axles
    3AxlesBus Bus - 3 Axles
  • Recreational Vehicle
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesRv RV
    3AxlesRv RV towing 1-axle trailer
    4AxlesRv RV towing 2-axle trailer
  • Motorcycle
    Icon vehicleType Description
    2AxlesMotorcycle Motorcycle
Country covered:
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela